Flat Tire Productions is a groundbreaking TV production company based in New York, NY, specializing in creating innovative and heartfelt series that tackle important social issues. Led by actress, writer, and filmmaker DebbieAnn Seemungal, the company collaborates with talented directors like Alisha Persaud to bring unique stories to life, with a focus on highlighting the vibrant Indo-Caribbean-American culture and challenging societal norms.
Their latest project, 'It Takes Ah Village,' explores the journey of an interracial West-Indian Caucasian couple on the verge of parenthood, delving into postpartum struggles, generational trauma, and the complexities of family dynamics. With a blend of drama and comedy, Flat Tire Productions aims to create thought-provoking content that not only entertains but also serves as a guiding light, inspiring healing and positive change for future generations.
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