In 2009 I received my license to practice Massage Therapy after completing over 1,000 hours of education at the Finger LAkes School of Massage. I was certified in Reiki levels I and II with Carolyn Musial and Reiki Master Teacher Level with Melanie Rimkus in 2016. My 2021 certification in Life Coaching is through The Academy of Modern Applied Psychology, with Kain Ramsay. Learn more on my website!
Medical-specific massage therapy working on specific areas of concern such as a trauma, frozen joint, repetitive motion injury, or rehabilitation from surgery or cancer. I specialize in Connective Tissue Therapy (CTT). My type of massage is slow, intentional, intense but not painful. It is considered a treatment for the mind, body and spirit; the goal is harmony between all three. Life Coaching: I developed Coherence Coaching to help you unify your values and beliefs with your life and set goals in a logical and consistent way. I am your personal change agent, helping you discover where you want to go and finding the most pleasantly efficient way for you to get there. My goal is your empowerment. Coherence Energy Healing (TM): I work to remove blocks that no longer serve my client, enhance energy to depleted areas, establish a connection to and maintain healthy energetic boundaries. I invite my client's spiritual guides and resolved ancestors to assist in the healing treatment. This spiritual work often results in some claircognizance, a psychic message picked up through the work. Intuitive readings: While working with resolved ancestors and divination tools, these readings can reveal hidden paths, offer guided answers or more appropriate questions for new perspectives, propose a direction for your focus and suggest ways to bring you into balance. Rituals & Ceremonies: Working towards the best outcome for my clients. Customized to the individual occasions and people involved.