Public elementary and secondary schools, Catholic elementary and secondary schools
Ralph Perry Junior High School
Perry Junior High School operates a range of educational departments, including art, business, English, home and career skills, instructional technology, math, music, science, social studies, world languages and physical education. It has a staff of more than 100 full-time certified teachers and paraprofessionals that includes guidance counselors, nurses, instructional support teachers, social workers, teaching assistants, custodians, occupational therapists, and art and music professionals. Located in New Hartford, N.Y., Ralph Perry Junior High School maintains art, family and consumer science, foreign languages, Latin, builders and yearbook clubs. In addition, the school operates a student council, the Science Olympiad, Math Counts, Mathletics, geography bee, jazz ensemble and interscholastic athletic teams. Perry Junior High School teaches students in grades seven through nine and is a part of the New Hartford Central School District.