Dr. Qin has practiced acupuncture since 1976. He worked as a faculty member in a medical school in China, teaching and practicing acupuncture. He has established his acupuncture business in USA since 1996.
Dr. Qin has master and doctor degrees. He graduated from three medical schools. He received education and training in Traditional Chinese Medicine in Jiangxi, China, in Combination of traditional Chinese and Western Medicine in Shanghai, China, and in Western Medicine in Kyushu, Japan. Dr. Qin is one of the few graduates of the first officially accredited acupuncture graduate program in Chinese history. Dr. Qin is an acupuncture specialist from China. Dr. Qin is specialized in Acupuncture and Human Physiology. With knowledge in both Western Medicine and Chinese Medicine, Dr. Qin has his unique skill in using acupuncture to solve health problem and achieve natural healing.