The Development Corporation has a great story to tell. Through its collaborative efforts it has been remarkably successful in coordinating and developing the economy in Greater Plattsburgh, NY. In the early 1960's, a group of local businessmen recognized the need to have a coordinated effort to market the area to industry. At that time they also realized that without the ready land and facilities to accommodate industry, the community would not be able to fully reach its potential. This core group of business persons' ideas served as the impetus for The Development Corporation, which was incorporated in 1961, first as New Industries of Clinton County and later as Clinton County Area Development Corporation. The company worked with an innovative plan of achieving economic growth through a partnership with Clinton County, local businesses and banks.
The Development Corporation (TDC) owns and operates three (3) industrial parks in Clinton County, NY consisting of eighteen (18) multi-tenant buildings for various terms and options to renew. In participation with local banks, TDC serves as the conduit for financing manufacturing, warehousing and distribution, and research and development facilities in its three industrial parks. TDC can construct, sell, rent, manage or lease property to expanding industries and other entities to which TDC is rendering services.