Cherry Lane Productions, based in Warwick, Town of, NY, is a renowned documentary film production company specializing in non-fiction storytelling. Led by award-winning director and editor Patrick Mullins, the company produces and distributes cultural documentaries that delve into social history, cultural movements, family history, biography, music, and art. With a strong emphasis on interview-based storytelling, Cherry Lane Productions incorporates archival elements such as old photographs, amateur films, historic documents, and artifacts to enhance the visual narrative. Additionally, the company offers high-definition video production and editing services to community organizations, cultural foundations, and individuals seeking to document or promote their operations through educational, promotional, and historical videos.
Serving the New York metropolitan area, including Bergen County, NJ, Orange County, NY, and Rockland County, NY, Cherry Lane Productions welcomes inquiries from clients who have a compelling story to tell and a desire to see it realized as a well-crafted video. With over 25 years of experience in documentary video production and editing, along with 20 years of music editing for dramatic feature films and television, Patrick Mullins brings a wealth of expertise to every project. The company's commitment to preserving and retouching archival materials ensures that historical elements are seamlessly integrated into the storytelling process, resulting in captivating and informative documentaries.
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