BARBIERE is a classic men's barbershop fashioned in the Italian tradition. We practice time-honored methods, combined with the latest advancements in hair and skin care. Our barbers possess a mastery of the shears and precision with the blade. BARBIERE's location in a quaint carriage house on 246 East 5th Street gives the establishment a feeling of exclusivity without an air of pretense. The steaming hot towels leave the scent of menthol lingering in the air, while the record player in the corner plays an old blues tune. BARBIERE evokes an era when gentlemen went to the barbershop for peaceful refuge from the pressures of work and home. Clients can enjoy a whiskey while they wait. We pride ourselves on being a fine grooming establishment where like-minded gentlemen can gather to escape the city life.
Scissor cuts, Hot Lather Shaves, Moroccan Clay Skin Treatment, Steaming Eucalyptus Towel Treatment