Bandito Books, LTD is a renowned publishing company based in East Hampton, Town of, NY. Led by acclaimed journalist and Pulitzer nominee, Allan Weisbecker, the company is known for its groundbreaking works that challenge conventional narratives. With a focus on truth-seeking and thought-provoking content, Bandito Books takes readers on a journey through America's history, exposing government lies and documenting the resistance to uncovering the truth.
Through captivating storytelling and extensive research, Allan Weisbecker, accompanied by his loyal dog, Honey, and surfboard, embarks on a remarkable cross-country adventure, capturing the reactions of lawyers, ex-pats, and everyday individuals confronted with evidence of government deception. Weisbecker's films and books offer a unique perspective on the resistance to truth, showcasing the stunning contrast between the natural beauty of the world and the hidden realities of society. Bandito Books continues to push boundaries and provide readers with a fresh understanding of America's past and present.
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