Personal Attention, Professional Results. Diane Webb is here to help the residents of Albuquerque, NM with debt problems. If you have creditors calling and are feeling overwhelmed by constant late fees, we may have a solution. It is never easy to make the decision to file for bankruptcy. We will sit down with every client and take a look at their individual finances to determine options and if filing bankruptcy is the best decision. If bankruptcy is the ideal option, we will always keep you informed about the process and progress so it will be as stress free as possible. We help people file: * Chapter 7 * Chapter 13 * Chapter 11 We have helped many people, and would love the opportunity to help you. Many times we can stop the creditor phone calls and help clients avoid repossession, wage garnishment or even foreclosure of property. Becoming fully informed about what bankruptcy can do for you is an important step toward restoring your financial health Call Diane Webb today for a free consultation about your situation and to decide if bankruptcy is right for you.