Hearing aids, Hearing testing service, Durable goods, nec, nec
Sandia Hearing Aids, Test & Repair, Santa Fe
Since 1958, Sandia Hearing Aid Centers has been providing individuals in Santa Fe, NM and the surrounding area with professional hearing services. Our licensed hearing aid specialists provide unsurpassed customer service as well as demonstrations of the latest hearing aid technology in order to assist you with your hearing loss. Services offered, but not limited to: video otoscopy, free hearing exams, and hearing instruments: behind-the-ear, in-the ear, in-the canal, open fitting inspection, cleaning, tuning & repair of current hearing instruments. Sandia Hearing Aid Centers is dedicated to providing patients with compassionate care and high-quality hearing instruments to help you start hearing better today. Call Sandia Hearing Aid Center and request your free hearing screening. Start hearing what you've been missing!