Our story starts in a 1999 school bus. We converted that bad boy into our very own food truck. We spent 2 summers serving our community and then through the support of our customers we opened our storefront in 2019. Still kinda feels like a dream. Soul Bowls hopes to bring together a community of people that take pride in what they eat. We encourage people to ask: Where does my food come from? What is my food doing for my body, and why should i eat more of it? It is equally important to spread kindness and compassion to others, humans and animals alike. This is our reason for being a business that is 100% vegan. All of our ingredients are simply plants, aka gifts from mother earth. We hope to see you in our soulful storefront soon:)
We promise to give you the best Acai, Pitaya, Coconut & Banana bowl you've ever had or your money back.