Soaring Solar is run by Jeff Colmyer. Jeff is an Air Force Veteran who currently serves as an intel analyst in the Horsham Guard. His wife Kimi is currently serving in Air Force Active Duty at McGuire Air Force Base. Jeff grew up in Tuckerton, New Jersey and has traveled throughout the country during his career, working at multiple different solar companies. He then took what he learned from the good ones and corrected what he saw at the bad ones and put together his own solar company. Soon after, the customers followed. Soaring Solar uses (REC 325 NP Black panels) which come with a 25 year output warranty. If your system does not produce what is guaranteed in writing you get credited that amount to your account ensuring even on a cloudy day the sun still shines. We also offer the ability to just purchase your electricity at a much cheaper rate with no financing required. Ask about how much your electric company is over charging if you were to enter into a power purchase agreement. We also offer financing for tree removal and stump grinding. We are capable of replacing an entire roof with a 50 year warranty for no money out of pocket. If you have been rejected for those two reasons give us a call and let us see if we can help. Additionally, we can offer financing for a 600 credit score.