Founded in 2007 by Bill Sferro . We now accept VENMO for payment as well as cash and checks. Thanks.
We provide professional services by witnessing and validating a variety of documents and proceedings, such as oaths, affidavits, real estate documents, business documents, state and county documents, immigration documents, tax documents, as well as a number of other items that require verification of document content and the signing parties' identities. Many people encounter notary public's on a daily basis but few take the time to notice the full range of services that a notary public provides. The job description of a notary public goes beyond stamping something or signing a document. There are various other less known functions of a notary that can be helpful for you to know whether you are considering a job as a notary or seeking their services. Signature Witnessing, Depositions, Confirmation of Acknowledgment, Oaths and Affirmations to name a few. We specialize in real estate closings and re-fi closings.