Medical dermatology is the treatment of skin conditions, such as psoriasis, rosacea, acne, skin cancer, warts, keloids and cysts. Medical solutions may include laser therapy, surgical removal, or medicines depending on the specific condition. Unlike cosmetic dermatology, which focuses on aesthetics, medical dermatology focuses on the health of the skin. By correcting abnormalities of the skin, the appearance may be improved. Care is taken to minimize scarring and treat the skin with the most effective methods available Dermatology Affiliates employs the latest techniques and tools to treat skin conditions. Boils and cysts are removed using a minimal scar technique. Laser therapy, chemical peels, microdermabrasion, photodynamic laser therapy and fractionated CO2 laser therapy are some of the techniques we use to treat acne. Acne scars can be treated by a process called photodynamic rejuvenation. Moles, birthmarks, rosacea and scars typically respond well to laser therapy...