My passion for the care and maintenance of grave sites stemmed from the loss of my father in 2005. I spent a decent amount of time at the cemetery, where I saw many people struggling to plant flowers, water the grounds properly and provide the general care and maintenance to keep their loved one's grave site looking beautiful. During the winter months, I watched as the visitors slowed, and guests simply sit in their cars because the snow prevented them from visiting the grave site. I began shoveling a path every time it snowed to enable visitors to see their loved ones all year round. I offered my help any time I saw someone in need and started to realize that this small effort touched many hearts deeply. The depth of gratitude, joy and happiness these seemingly simple services offered was immeasurable, and it echoed my own.I started to care for the grave sites of other family and friends, and this general passion led me to start Perpetual Lovescaping.
Personalized Gravesite Beautification. Perpetual Lovescaping is a unique service, offering you the opportunity to ensure that the gravesite of your loved one is given the care and nurturing it deserves, for a reasonable cost. Some of our customers do not have the time to spend maintaining and beautifying the gravesite of a loved one, but they know that the work is being done for them in a very caring manner. We offer 5 different packages that provide our customers with the most respectful and loving care imaginable. From snow shoveling and gravestone cleaning, to planting flowers and ground clean-up, we provide you with the unique feeling of comfort you get when you keep your cherished memories alive. This is why we call ourselves Perpetual Lovescaping.