BeanTowne was created and exists to be an example of how the world should work on its very best day. We fill the all too common void that exists between business and community, connecting you with your friends and neighbors over the best coffee and sandwiches in the state. Oh wait, we ARE your neighbors and friends!
We know life is complicated and stressful and sometimes not very nice, so we work hard to make the food you eat, the coffee you drink, and the time you spend here at BeanTowne the very best of your day. We believe food should be CREATED with the least possible number of ingredients and that those should be only the freshest available, so we take the extra time to season and slow roast the meats for your sandwiches on-site, and bring in fresh vegetables daily. It's a lot of effort, but we're sure you'll taste the difference. Coffee is in our name, so we only serve direct trade or relationship coffee, meaning the price our roaster paid was set by the very farmer who nurtured it from seed, thousands of miles away. We take the time to grind and pour each shot of espresso to order, and use technically perfect brewing methods for our drip coffee developed at MIT (no kidding). On a side note, if you haven't tried one of our lattes, please do, you won't get a better one East of Seattle, guar