Smokus Pocus is a mind-blowing and innovative magic show in Las Vegas that combines the world of weed with mesmerizing feats of magic. Led by magician and cannabis connoisseur Ben Zabin, this spectacle takes audiences on a journey of Dank Debauchery, featuring jars of bud, lighters that come to life, and bongs that bend reality. With sold-out shows across North America and extended residencies in Brooklyn and Las Vegas, Smokus Pocus guarantees to leave both the stoned and sober audience members bewildered and their minds blown.
Experience a higher kind of magic as Smokus Pocus delivers a performance that is guaranteed to blow your mind, according to Las Vegas Magazine. Time Out New York describes it as the best, while Thrillist invites you to feel the buzz of Smokus Pocus. Whether you're in Brooklyn, Portland, Philadelphia, Seattle, Baltimore, Reno, Chicago, Los Angeles, Tulsa, San Francisco, Las Vegas, Denver, or Missoula, don't miss out on this unforgettable show that fuses magic and cannabis in a way that will leave you gasping for more.
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