Gardner is a graduate of Loma Linda University in Southern California. He was 2nd in his class. Having built his practice on high quality and extreme comfort, you will be happy to experience his gentle touch. He spends all his time with you. You can be assured no untrained support staff will be providing care to you. We have an excellent team and we all do what we are trained to do.
Walk in to a comfortable atmosphere and you will find a plate of freshly baked Otis Spunkmeyer cookies along with freshly brewed coffee from our local specialty coffee roasting company Colorado River Coffee Roasters. At Ronald E. Gardner, DDS, we strive to make our Boulder City office as efficient, convenient, and as comfortable as possible. We welcome our patients to rest in our massage chair, in quiet relaxed setting. The best care in the world doesn't mean anything if you can't access it. Included in these web pages is information about Ronald E. Gardner, DDS's office, including our Boulder City location, maps, directions, hours, insurance policies and appointment scheduling.