Elite Protection, led by Professor Bob Anderson, is a highly respected defense training and consulting group based in Dayton, NV. With over five decades of experience as a martial artist and extensive knowledge in realistic self-defense, Professor Anderson has trained various agencies including the F.B.I., Secret Service, and Special Forces groups. The company offers a wide range of services, from executive protection and threat analysis to electronic security and crisis management. They also provide comprehensive classes on topics such as firearm tactics, anti-assault techniques for women, and personal safety.
Elite Protection is known for their professionalism and expertise in protective services, serving clients that range from corporate executives and high-profile celebrities to royal families and children at kidnap risk. In addition to their defense training and consulting services, the company conducts briefings and seminars, research, and consults on active shooter response drills and infrastructure risk assessment for schools. With their diverse capabilities and specialized expertise in security issues, Elite Protection is the go-to source for individuals and organizations seeking top-notch protection and defense training.
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