Rolfing Structural Integration is a scientifically validated bodywork system that can alleviate physical pain, improve athletic performance, and increase overall wellbeing. David is also a Licensed Massage Technician and Certified Reconnective Healer. Rolfing was developed by biochemist Dr. Ida Rolf starting in the 1920's. Dr. Rolf realized that the connective tissue surrounding muscles- the myofascial system- can become 'stuck' or 'glued' together after injury or the stress of ordinary life. This gluing leads to imbalances in our posture and causes or prolongs discomfort and pain in the body. Such imbalances are often unconscious but still limit mobility. A Rolfer reorganizes the body so that everyday movement and exercise is unhindered and beneficial. Clients report freedom from pain(such as back pain or neck pain), improved athletic performance including yoga practice, and increased feelings of confidence and ease.