The City of O'Neill, Nebraska is a thriving community known as Nebraska's Irish Capital. With a rich history and a strong sense of community, O'Neill offers residents an improved quality of life, outstanding schools, and excellent public safety services. The city provides water, sewer, and garbage services, and utility bills can be paid online or through various other methods. The City Council meets regularly to address the needs of the community, and residents can register to vote at the Holt County Clerk's Office.
O'Neill is proud of its professional police force, high conviction rate, and well-supported volunteer fire department, which contribute to the overall safety and security of the city. The community also boasts a quality medical facility, competent ambulance EMT services, and a public library. With its strong sense of Irish heritage and annual St. Patrick's Day celebration, O'Neill welcomes visitors to explore its history, enjoy its community events, and experience the warm hospitality of its residents.
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