4 Paths Acupuncture is an Omaha-based clinic established in 2011, specializing in providing effective treatment for a wide range of conditions such as knee pain, back pain, stress, anxiety, depression, migraine headaches, neuropathy, arthritis, fertility pain during pregnancy, autoimmune disorders, gut health, fibromyalgia, and more. Led by Doctor of Acupuncture, Cory Nyenhuis, DACM, LAc., the clinic offers proven protocols tailored to individual needs, blending the time-tested science of acupuncture with innovative medical solutions to achieve long-lasting results.
With a focus on chronic and seemingly hopeless cases, 4 Paths Acupuncture is known for its success in treating conditions like peripheral neuropathy, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, chronic pain, and depression. The clinic also offers additional therapies such as ATP Resonance BioTherapy, ozone therapy, and personalized herb formulas and supplements to enhance the treatment process. Patients have experienced life-changing results, allowing them to regain mobility, alleviate pain, and improve their overall well-being.
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