Union Gospel Mission of Missoula, also known as Hope Rescue Mission, is a non-profit organization located in Missoula, MT, dedicated to addressing hunger and food insecurity in Montana. They offer various programs such as the BackPack Program, Hunters Against Hunger Program, and Mail-a-Meal Program, in collaboration with their network partners, to provide food assistance to those in need. Through advocacy and public policy initiatives, they strive to amplify the voices of the hungry and work towards a hunger-free Montana.
Montana Food Bank Network, a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, is committed to fighting hunger in Montana by providing food resources and support to individuals and families facing food insecurity. They offer programs like the School Pantry Program, SNAP Outreach, and Retail Food Rescue Program, in addition to their advocacy efforts through the Anti-Hunger Action Center. With a mission to ensure that no one goes hungry, they work towards creating a sustainable and equitable food system in Montana.
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