Casey Brua relocated her massage practice to down town whitefish and opened a massage studio called Bare Your Sole in December of 2016. In 2018 Jessica and Casey teamed up to offer services 7 days a week. In 2020 Bare Your Sole transformed into The Barefoot Haven. With this transformation Drew has joined our team and we relocated to 14 west Second Street in Whitefish.
Bare Your Sole offers a variety of therapeutic services including Ashiatsu, Cupping Therapy, Aromatherapy, Swedish, Deep Tissue, Neuromuscular Therapy, Sports/Injury Massage, Reflexology, and Energy Work. Ashiatsu is a luxurious massage that involves using centripetal and centrifugal gliding techniques with the heel and sole. Soothing muscle tension and creating space within the body. It is an effective western style of barefoot massage that combines the study of the Chinese meridian system and energy work, while applying a soothing touch with the sole. The broad pressure applied is comfortable and sedating for anyone looking for a relaxing or deep tissue massage.