Kennedy's Stained Glass is a renowned studio in Billings, MT, known for their exceptional craftsmanship and unique glass work. With a history dating back to the 1970s, the studio has been creating art glass that showcases the beauty and strength of European windows from centuries ago. Led by Susan Kennedy Sommerfeld, the studio collaborates with a team of talented artists to produce stunning stained glass windows, fused glass, jewelry, mirrors, and other art pieces that captivate and inspire.
Specializing in leaded glass windows, Kennedy's Stained Glass combines traditional techniques with innovative details, such as etching, laminating, fusing, painting, overlays, and bevels, to transform their craft into an art form. The studio also excels in restorations and slab glass work, pushing the boundaries of their abilities with each unique project. With a strong focus on client satisfaction, Kennedy's Stained Glass works closely with their clients, as well as architects, builders, and interior designers, to create commissioned artwork that will be cherished for generations to come.
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