Founded in 1956 right here in Missoula, Montana, we're a credit union with deep roots and clear values. This great community is built into the fiber of our organization, and we're here to stay. We exist to serve and enrich the lives of our members, and the people of this community. With that mission in mind, we pride ourselves on deeply personal customer service, and a wealth of expertise and products refined over 6 decades. Gain from our experience; we're in this thing together.
Vehicle Loans Home Loans Business Loans Personal Loans Online Banking & Bill Pay Youth Accounts Health Savings Accounts Retirement Accounts ..and many more! Check out our website for more information on our products and services. We won't offer you something that's not in your best interest; that's an important value at Missoula Federal Credit Union. Financial products and services can seem overwhelming, but allow us to simplify it and offer expertise you can trust.