Founded in 1999, Physical Therapy Care has a reputation in the Springfield area of providing the best physical therapy service. We specialize in Orthopedic Physical Therapy, Sports Physical Therapy, and Industrial Rehabilitation. Our staff understands the need for consistent care. We treat each patient like family. Our compassionate, professional staff is dedicated to providing the highest level of care possible. Because we are an independent practice, we are patient driven. Therefore we can focus more on providing excellent care, and less on the bottom line dollar. We are not committed to any large medical corporation. Our purpose is to provide effective care that is responsive to the needs of the community of Springfield. Being physical therapist-owned means that our doctors of physical therapy and our physical therapists are able to focus on you!
Physical Therapy, Orthopedic Physical Therapy, Sports Physical Therapy, Work-Injury Rehabilitation, Auto Accidents, Personal Injury Rehabilitation, Industrial Rehabilitation, Sports-Injury Prevention Screen, Work-Injury Prevention Screen, Injury Prevention School. Physical Therapy Care is Springfield's First Choice for Physical Therapy for work, sports, and personal injuries. The practice is the pioneer on Sports and Work-Injury Prevention Screens--Detecting possible injuries even before they happen. For more information visit, www.physicaltherapycare.com