Harvest Baptist Church in Blue Springs, MO is a Bible-believing and historic fundamental church that emphasizes the importance of relationships in ministry. They hold the King James Bible as the inspired and inerrant Word of God and believe in the sound doctrines of the Bible, centered around Jesus Christ's deity, birth, finished work, resurrection, and imminent Second Coming. The church upholds the authority of the local Church and practices two Biblical ordinances: baptism in water by immersion for born-again believers and the Lord's Supper as a memorial to show the Lord's death until He comes. They also adhere to a dispensational and premillennial understanding of the Bible, recognizing different ways in which God has dispensed eternal life and anticipating the harvest rapture of the Church and the future Millennial reign of Christ.
With a purpose to glorify God through Jesus Christ and the preaching of the gospel, Harvest Baptist Church is committed to walking in the Spirit and fulfilling the Eternal Purpose of God. They emphasize the importance of baptism and the Lord's Supper as symbolic ordinances that represent a believer's union with Christ and the salvation secured through His sacrifice. The church welcomes like-minded believers to join them in these ordinances and seeks to connect with the community through prayer, counseling, and various ministries for adults, youth, and children. Harvest Baptist Church is dedicated to faithfully proclaiming the Word of God and fulfilling their mission to glorify God and spread the gospel to the world.
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