Escape Reality Magic Dinner Show is a highly acclaimed and award-winning magic production that features a rotating cast of talented illusionists, including renowned magicians Garry and Janine Carson. With their extensive experience performing on major stages worldwide and appearing on television shows like FOX's Masters of Illusion, the Carsons have established themselves as top-notch entertainers in the magic industry. The show, currently starring magician Brian Ledbetter in Branson, Missouri, has been voted as the city's best magic show and dinner show for multiple years.
Escape Reality Magic Show offers an unforgettable experience filled with mind-bending illusions, captivating performances, and a touch of humor. Audiences can expect to be amazed and entertained as they witness the incredible talents of these internationally recognized magicians. Whether it's at their Las Vegas location or in other cities where they produce the show, Escape Reality Magic guarantees an evening of enchantment and wonder that will leave spectators wanting more.
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