Internal medicine practitioners, Psychiatrists and psychoanalysts, Nephrologist
Kidney Associates
Kidney Associates is a private nephrology practice comprised of 5 physicians, all board-certified in Nephrology and Internal Medicine and 2 nurse practitioners. Each of the nephrologists, nurse practitioners, and nurses Kidney Associates are dedicated to the highest quality patient care along with the compassion required by patients with chronic disease. We specialize in diseases of the kidney, hypertension and transplantation. Some of our specialties include Diabetic Nephropathy, Hypertension, Polycystic Kidney Disease, Renal Failure and End-Stage Renal Disease. Many of our patients require dialysis; we offer hemodialysis ( in-center, home, nocturnal and short daily ) as well as peritoneal dialysis. Kidney Associates work with primary care physicians in an effort to provide each patient with the best and most complete care possible. We provide a summary to the referring physician after each patient visit to our office and coordinate the lab work and any specialized testing the patient may require. We offer longitudinal care that includes out-patient and in-patient management, dialysis, and kidney transplantation.