Highway signs and guardrails, Surfacing and paving, Urban planning and consulting services
Southern Technical Aquatic Resource & Rescue, LLC
HistorySTARR was created out of the needs seen throughout the community and that of public service agencies. It was the frustrations heard from Fires Services, EMS professionals, and Law Enforcement agencies about not being able to find high-quality, affordable, and efficient training. Next was the voice of the community when flooding occurred that 3 individuals came together and decided something needed to be done - STARR was born. In 2011, STARR became more than a small LLC, it started moving in positive directions and it went from just 3 individuals with a dream to more than 10 individuals which inspired our staff to become Incorporated. However, in 2015 another great event happened as STARR became a 501c3 non-profit organization and expanded in several other areas. Now STARR is a recognized Training Site for AHA, ASHI, and NAEMT while teaching a variety of water rescue courses and equipment to those professionals.SpecialtiesSouthern Technical Aquatic Resource & Rescue (STARR) is recognized as a premier Training Site for American Heart Association (AHA), American Safety and Health Institute (ASHI), and the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT) providing effective, affordable and professional training. STARR of course: Blood Borne Pathogens, CPR, First Aid, ACLS, PALS, PEARS, AMLS -Advanced Medical Life Support, EPC -Emergency Pediatric Care, PHTLS -PreHopsital Trauma Life Support, Wilderness Emergency Care, Wilderness First Aid, Emergency Medical Responder, CABS -Childcare & Babysitting Safety, and Oxygen Administration. Also offered are Swift Water Rescue, Rescue Boat Operations, Rescue Swimmer, and Water Safety courses. ALL medical training meets Local, State, Federal as well as National Registry Guidelines. ALL water rescue meets NFPA Standards 1021, 1006, and 1670. Our staff and instructors are EMS professionals and EMS Instructors with extensive real-world experience in rural, urban, and metropolitan EMS settings. Each of our Water Rescue Instructor are also Certified Fire Instructors. These instructors are dedicated to providing high-quality, skilled, and professional classes to improve preparedness and response to emergencies. Our Motto is