I have been practicing for 6+ years now and I have seen the amazing impact of Shiatsu Therapy Acupuncture for your health. I am a licensed Acupuncturist practicing Acupuncture and Shiatsu. Acupuncture and Shiatsu have helped many people and can change lives.
Feel drained, have pain, are overwhelmed or stressed? Acupuncture and Shiatsu Therapy is energizing, clears the mind, is rejuvenating and helps with many aches and pains from muscle and sports injuries to joint pain, chronic pain, digestive issues, headaches and migraines, depression or mood swings, anxiety, and much more. Acupuncture and Shiatsu are rooted in Chinese Medicine, but we integrate other therapies such as Myokinesthetics (MYK). MYK treatments reset neural information through movement with light touch and can be added to treatments or used as the main treatments. Schedule an Initial consultation and first treatment or schedule a free consultation. Upright Acupuncture and Shiatsu is a 1-person-1-room clinic in Saint Paul at University Ave W, close to Minneapolis.