Our Firm | Rimas Law Firm Rimas Law Firm is a located on the border of Minnetonka and Deephaven, Minnesota (near Wayzata). Rimas Law is founded on over 25 years of legal counseling, litigation and transactional work in Minnesota, California and throughout the United States. Experienced Law Professionals Rimas Law Firm emphasizes general, business and intellectual property counseling and litigation and real estate, employment and municipal law, whose capabilities and resources are extended by collaboration with a network of attorneys as required. Our client base follows upon previous representation of businesses and organizations of all sizes: entrepreneurs, inventors, employers, non-profits,property owners, and attorneys. Quality Rimas Law Firm strives to provide high quality and cost effective legal services that are tailored to the individual client. Available for all forms of representation, collaboration and on-site counseling and projects and fee arrangements and RFPs.
Rimas Law Firm, PLLC provides legal counsel and litigation, trial, appellate and mediation services in commercial, intellectual property, technology, real estate, legal malpractice, employment and entertainment law on behalf of business and individual clients in diverse industries and businesses and in the creative arts and inventive sciences. Attorney Vytas Rimas has extensively litigated throughout the United States in federal and state courts and administrative tribunals. He is licensed in Minnesota and California, has served as expert and mediator, including appointment by U.S. District Court. Rimas Law Firm is available for all forms of representation, local counsel, collaboration and on-site consulting, investigation and projects, and fee arrangements.