Minnewaska School District in Starbuck, MN is a dedicated educational institution that aims to engage every student, every day. With a wide range of activities offered and an average class size of 23, students have the opportunity to thrive academically and personally. The district is known for its compassionate teachers and staff who create a safe and nurturing environment for students to learn and grow. Whether it's playing outside with friends or participating in college classes, Minnewaska Area School provides an engaging learning experience that prepares students to become positive contributors to both the school and the community.
Minnewaska Elementary, Middle School, High School, and W.I.N. Academy are part of the district, offering comprehensive education from preschool to high school. The district also provides early childhood programs, including Little Lakers Preschool and Early Childhood Family Education. With a focus on student engagement and academic excellence, Minnewaska School District is committed to shaping the future of its students and fostering a strong sense of community.
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