Marine fats, oils, and meals, Fertilizing, spraying, dusting, and irrigation machinery, Industrial pumps and parts
Alloy Hardfacing and Engineering
Founded in 1952, Alloy Hardfacing & Engineering Co. Inc. is a Minnesota custom fabrication company. Based in Jordan, Minn., it incorporates machining, grinding, fabrication and welding processes to manufacture and process equipment for food and food related industries. The company's products include alloy raw material bin, ASME heat exchanger, Dupps batch cooker, Dupps continuous shell, ANCO prebreaker, etc. Alloy Hardfacing & Engineering Co. Inc. provides design, layout, appraisals, feasibility and installation services. It specializes in animal by-product, rendering equipment, wastewater treatment equipment, sealing of rotating shafts, conveying and pumping. The company caters to the needs of canning, food processing, meatpacking, pet food, rendering, slaughtering, solvent extraction and potato processing, among other industries.