Dr. Adrian den Boer, DC, ND, started Nature's Remedies after he started his practice, DBC, because he was not getting the results he wanted for his patients from the supplements that they were purchasing due to lack of quality and regulation of supplements. Dr. den Boer researched and found the highest quality and most highly regulated supplements on the market and began selling them in Nature's Remedies to his patients.
Not only is it important to eat well and adhere to proper supplementation; it's important to pay attention to the quality of the supplement, which has a huge impact on the success of your healing. That's why Nature's Remedies offers: - The highest quality, handpicked supplements, many of which are not available in health food stores. The ingredients are derived only from food in its natural state, as most store-bought vitamins are created synthetically in a lab. Synthetic vitamins can create unbalanced, unnatural disturbances in the body. -Only supplements backed with a breadth and depth of science-based, evidence-based research. Dr. den Boer actively stays abreast of the current medical research in journals, and frequently attends lectures and seminars to continue incorporating the latest research from both Europe and North America.