The Michigan Medical Acupuncture Association (MMAA) is the largest association of acupuncture professionals in Michigan, dedicated to promoting safe and evidence-based acupuncture practices. MMAA members are highly trained in manual medicine and medical acupuncture, adhering to the professional standards and ethical code of the American Manual Medicine Association. With a mission to expand access to acupuncture and advance the knowledge base of manual medical acupuncture, MMAA actively engages in regulatory legislation and supports rigorous scientific investigation in the field.
Medical acupuncture, a time-tested method of healing, is practiced by trained healthcare professionals such as physical therapists, nurses, and chiropractic physicians. By utilizing modern research and contemporary methods of care, medical acupuncture combines ancient wisdom with modern science. MMAA also focuses on public health acupuncture, providing integrated treatment approaches in HIV and substance abuse clinics, ensuring that those without insurance and limited resources can benefit from acupuncture medicine. Through education, training, and ethical practices, MMAA invites qualified acupuncturists to join and contribute to the advancement of manual medical acupuncture.
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