Leland Public School is a rural community school located in the heart of the picturesque village of Leland on the stunning Lake Michigan shoreline. Situated in northwest lower Michigan's Leelanau Peninsula, the school is surrounded by 75 square miles of breathtaking natural beauty, including rolling hills, scenic orchards, vineyards, and farms that rival those found in France, Italy, or the Napa Valley. The district also encompasses the renowned Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, which has been voted as the most beautiful beach in the country and featured in National Geographic Magazine.
With a mission to inspire and connect students and their community, Leland Public School is dedicated to developing essential skills that empower students to lead fulfilling lives. The school provides a nurturing environment where students can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. Through a comprehensive curriculum, including the renowned International Baccalaureate programs, students are equipped with the knowledge and tools necessary for success. Leland Public School truly embodies the charm and natural splendor of Leelanau County, offering an exceptional educational experience in a captivating setting.
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