Casatech was founded in Ann Arbor by a UMich grad and an MSU grad who worked together in a research lab. They realized that few options exist for honest, reliable, and personal on-site tech support. So they decided to do something about it. Lorraine -- Micah's 92 year old grandmother -- was Client Zero. Her ability to learn to use an iPad and iPhone at 92, despite significant visual impairment, convinced the founders that anyone can learn today's technology. When they saw how much it improved her quality of life, they were determined to take back tech support from the established Geeks. Where does our name come from? Computer Assistance, Solutions and Accessibility. Casa also means house in Spanish - a good fit because we come to you!
Personalized tech support and IT consulting for your home and business. Services include Web design, WiFi networking, computer repair, printers, and more. We do not fix cracked screens or mount TVs. Remote support in most cases during the shutdown.