We are a very detail company and take pride in our work. We can do a light cleaning , general cleaning or a very detail cleaning. Or just a task list cleaning. A light cleaning we can get your bathrooms, kitchen area all your floors cleaned and a light dusting of your rooms. With a General Cleaning we do your Cob webbing, bathrooms, kitchen area all your flooring a detail dusting of furniture, window sills, touch up your pictures on walls and dust off your open baseboards. With a Deep Cleaning we do a detail cob webbing ,move all your furniture except hutches t.v's. We get the baseboards behind. We use a special tool to clean under your appliances.. Which can become a fire hazard. if not cleaned under. We can also add in your blinds and wash your windows. If you want we can just come in for blind work or do a task cleaning of items you just not like to clean. Check out our web page for more details of all the cleanings,. We have excellent references. Let our hands spoil you.