Bird's-Eye Creations is a renowned woodshop located in Mohawk, MI, specializing in the sourcing and production of distinct and high-quality northern hardwoods, including the rare and coveted birdseye maple. With their expertise and precision, they offer a wide selection of lumber stock, custom cuts, turning stock, logs, burls, and veneer, catering to the needs of individual woodworkers and large manufacturers alike.
Benefiting from the unique weather conditions and environmental factors of the Lake Superior Watershed, Bird's-Eye Creations ensures the production of durable and superior hardwoods that are unmatched in quality. Their controlled storage and treatment methods preserve the integrity of the wood, making it ready for any project. With their commitment to excellence and their extensive range of distinctive wood options, Bird's-Eye Creations is the go-to destination for those seeking exceptional northern hardwoods.
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