Sha-Nic Auto Body & Repair was started around 1986 by business owner, Mark Evans. The company's name was derived from his two daughters first names - Shanna & Nicole. The company started off a small three bay shop and has grown into an 8 bay garage that is home to a full mechanical shop and full auto body shop. Mark is proud of where the company came from and how it continues to provide exceptional service to its customers. He appreciates the loyalty of his customers, and the opportunity they give Sha-Nic to continue servicing this community!
Sha-Nic Auto Body is a full service Collision & Mechanical Facility. Both aspects of our facility can service ALL makes and models- even CLASSICS! Our Licensed Appraiser, Mark, is on site to complete any estimates necessary for collision repair. Our ASE Master Mechanic, Brian, is available to estimate any mechanical repair that may be necessary. Sha-Nic Auto Body & Repair has been servicing the local community for over 28 years. As a team Mark, Brian, Keith, and Chris take pride in knowing local driver's trust their vehicles will be repaired accurately and cost effectively! We offer a first time customer coupon, head to our website to print the coupon. Come see why so many local drivers trust this team to maintain their vehicles. Also, CARCO inspections are held Monday through Friday during normal business hours.