I got started when I was in school and I noticed how I was getting healed from my stroke for the massage treatments it was painful but I am living and walking today because of the bodywork and that is why I developed The CASIM treatment.
CASIM(Compress And Stretch Injured Muscles) TreatmentThe CASIM treatment is a therapeutic practice designed to alleviate muscle tension throughout the body over 42 days (6 weeks). You may experience the most discomfort within the first three weeks, but after the third session the tenderness should subside as the weeks progress.The acronym CASIM stands for compress and stretch injured muscles. Over approximately 1 to 2 hours, the treatment provides healing to the body through therapeutic massage with attention to each body part. This treatment stimulates circulation, increases the body's metabolic rate and forces out toxins that are present in the body. It ultimately restores the body's ability to naturally balance itself and boosts the immune system, increasing energy and decreasing food cravings. I CANNOT do couples massage