This is a family run business with a few other wonderful employees. I bought my home knowing I was zoned for this business. It began with 3 tables and a paper honesty box. It has grown over the years from the word of mouth of our wonderful customers. Only recently have I advertised. My oldest son is turning 18, he is doing well in the landscaping department and hopes one day to take over the business.
We are a full service garden nursery carrying over 350 varieties of annuals, herbs, perennials, shrubs and trees.The greenhouse where we grow our proven winners and hangers, etc. is open to the public to shop. We offer landscape design, consultations (we make home visits), installation and or maintainence. We offer seasonal items from Valentine's Day (bouquets etc.) to wreaths and Xmas Trees. We have a gift shop open all year long. There is a seperate bakery offering homemade scones, muffins and cookies as well as Irish brown bread and pies (the last two items need to be ordered ahead) and coffee. We have a potting shed for your garden needs. We also have a floral department to meet all of your needs from one flower or bouquet to a wedding or event. You will also find a vegetable shed offering our own or locally grown vegetables and fruits in season.