C0deex is an after school coding and Robotics school located in Acton, MA. At C0deEX we help jumpstart your kid's career and ensure future success by helping them master the following computer coding languages by using popular games like ROBLOX, Minecraft, Unity. C0deEX also provides a wide choice of Summer and Vacation camps catering to your child's needs. In addition to classes, workshops, STEAM vacation day camps and other events for kids, C0deEX also has a competition FIRST LEGO League (FLL) team and 4 FLL Jr. teams for the 2019-2020 season. FIRST is a global program that introduces young people to the fun and excitement of science and technology while building self-confidence, knowledge, and valuable career and life skills. In the summer, C0deEX offers summer vacation camps, including the popular Zero Robotics program. Last summer, the C0deEX Zero Robotics team won the privilege of coding a satellite onboard the International Space Station! We can't wait for this summer!