Technologist and Writer Andrew Weiner has been in the industry since its infancy. His first exposure to programming was in the Imasi 8080. He has seen products from the Original Atari 400 computer and Mac128k to the newest laptops or desktops and the fastest tablets. He is an accomplished technical writer with two firms. His main column is at Examiner.com, where his broad column focuses on Internet and Technology. Secondly, he was a contributing writer/editor with iPhone Life Magazine and iPhonelife.com from 2010 to 2013, where his focus was iOS apps and accessories for all devices. He has reviewed products spanning all technical genres, age levels and possibilities. He will review any technical product, while working closely with direct corporate contacts or PR firms alike. He specializes in bringing under-dog products to the front of the press room. This was quite visible as he reviewed several under rated products from Coby electronics, E-Fun and NextBook. He has had much success