Prince of Peace Presbyterian Church began in the 1960s as the town of Crofton developed. The church was founded in December 1967 and moved into its currentbuilding on Crofton Parkway in 1975. The Education wing was added in 1992.
Prince of Peace will be welcoming a new pastor on February 1, 2013.
Rev. Elizabeth D.McLean comes to Crofton from Woods Memorial Presbyterian Church where she hasbeen an Associate Pastor for over 8 years. She will be the fourth called pastor at Princeof Peace and will lead her first worship service on Sunday, February 3.
Prince of Peace offers one Sunday morning worship services at 10:30 a.m. Sunday School is provided for adults and high school youth at 9:30 a.m. in the Education wing.Young Christians’ Sunday school, which includes middle school youth, begins at 10:50 after these children attend the first part of worship and the Children’s Chat with thepastor.
The congregation participates in a variety of activities including mission work,community service projects and congregational activities. Ministries include the CCCC,Light House Shelter, Sarah’s House, and Backpacks for students and various otherministries. Congregation activities include men’s and women’s breakfast groups andmonthly lunch groups. There is an active youth group.