Muehlmatt Ernest is a renowned woodcarver based in Salisbury, MD, known for his exceptional life-size and miniature decorative wood sculptures. With a record of winning third-place ribbons and being a three-time World Champion Carver, Ernie Muehlmatt's signature compositions of clusters of young birds are highly sought after by art enthusiasts and collectors. His work can be found in prestigious institutions such as the Ward Museum of Wildfowl Art in Salisbury, MD, and the Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum in Wausau, WI. Ernie also teaches woodcarving and designs and sells his own line of Air Filtration Dust Collecting systems known as the Dust Devil Series Dust Collectors.
Born in a small Pennsylvania town in 1927, Ernie Muehlmatt's passion for birds began in his childhood. Although initially trained as an artist, it wasn't until his 40s that he discovered his true calling as a bird carver. Starting with selling his first birds in his family's florist shop, Ernie's talent gained recognition, leading him to pursue wildfowl carving as a full-time career. With four published woodcarving books, over 6000 wildfowl carvings, and 28 years of experience, Ernie's carvings and woodcarving seminars continue to captivate audiences.
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