Noticing the crucial timing of the moment and the lack of an organized, central collection of historical information on the history of tattooing in his hometown, Adam Montegut set out to pull it all together. The New Orleans Tattoo Museum & Studio is a world-class tattoo parlour founded to preserve and promote the history of tattooing in New Orleans through research and education. By juxtaposing contemporary tattoo styles and practices next to the tools and devices of the 'old-timers', the NOTM hopes to create a narrative of evolution and the trajectory of the art.
We specialize in custom tattoos, both large scale and smaller, and four award-winning artists are on hand to offer a diverse portfolio of styles to suit your preference. Our Museum is free, and focuses on the history and culture of tattooing in New Orleans. On exhibition in the collection are tools, maps, flash artwork, photos, charts, memorabilia, and more.