3rd Coast Digital Films is a renowned film production company based in Baton Rouge, LA, known for their critically acclaimed documentary "Gutter Punks." The film, which has garnered rave reviews and a loyal following, offers a raw and authentic glimpse into the lives of a group of kids living on the streets of New Orleans. With its powerful storytelling and original Louisiana music, "Gutter Punks" has captivated audiences both locally and internationally.
Directed by a dedicated team, 3rd Coast Digital Films has successfully shed light on the harsh realities faced by these marginalized youth, earning accolades from publications such as N.O. Gambit Magazine and Times Picayune. The company's commitment to truth and their ability to make the subjects feel important has resonated with viewers, leaving a lasting impact. While the film is not currently showing, 3rd Coast Digital Films continues to explore opportunities to showcase "Gutter Punks" and bring its powerful message to a wider audience.
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